COBRA are race blades / wing blades with an easy and efficient stroke, making them great for down river, marathon and multisport racing. These blades are designed to deliver maximum performance and due to the design, can enable powerful transitions - giving an advantage for racing.The twisted tear-drop shape of the blade also supports torso rotation - which utilises the back muscles thus minimizing arm fatigue.Multisport and marathon paddlers will also appreciate the smooth feel of the stroke, helping preserve energy on those long runs.
Cobra MIDI is suitable for juniors 13-18 and women.These blades have alloy tips to minimise wear (for use on rivers)Note: Paddles with alloy tips are only suitable for use in freshwater. See below the alternative recommended blades for use in saltwater.
COBRA MIDI blades are produced in the following material options:
00719 COBRA MIDI ELITE medium carbon blades with duralumin tips
00718BLACK COBRA MIDI MULTICOLOR BLACK medium diolen blades with duralumin tips
00718RED COBRA MIDI MULTICOLOR RED medium diolen blades with duralumin tips
For use in salt water:
00719N COBRA MIDI ELITE medium carbon blades with no tips
00718BLACKN COBRA MIDI MULTICOLOR BLACK medium diolen blades with no tips
00718REDN COBRA MIDI MULTICOLOR RED medium diolen blades with no tips
COBRA is available in three blade sizes: Small, Medium and Large.
Bigger is not better, going larger than you need is counter productive, if in doubt go smaller size.
The shape of the Klasik ELITE carbon asymmetric blades ensur...
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COBRA are race blades / wing blades with an easy and efficie...
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The shape of the Klasik Multicolor glass asymmetric blades ...
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